Fat Quarter Challenge 2 - Part 1 
2 fat quarters (although I have one long quarter and one fat. Doesn’t matter...)
I need to make a new tool wrap. I love mine. It goes with me everywhere and holds all my essential equipment.

Iron on interfacing to the back of the main wrap fq before cutting this in half. 

This part is for the zip pocket. Use a plastic zip. 

Pic 1- split one fat quarter  into two halves along longest length . Split one half into three and I’ve split two of those into 4 and chopped off one quarter

Pic 2 - missing! place a long zip facing up between the piece you’ve split. As long as the zip part is longer than the fabric, length size isn’t a problem. I just happen to have an 8” zip handy. 

Pic 3- flip the zip to face down onto the larger piece so the zip pull and stop are past the fabric. 

Pic 4 - hand sew (Not pin!!) the zip into place. This is basting. Use a double thread through the needle. It doesn’t need a knot. Take extra care to make sure the zip tape is exactly on the edge of the fabric please 

Pic5 - sew the zip into place. 
The zip foot is usually the same width as the zip tape. So sew with the zip foot on the tape, needle on the other side nearest the zip teeth and keep the edge of the foot on the edge of the zip tape 👍🏽

Pic6 - Press the zip flat to the right side and remove the hand sewing you did earlier. 

Pic 7 and 8 - flip the top piece of fabric onto the zip and make sure it squares up with the fabric below and the edge of the fabric is on the edge of the zip tape. 

Pic 8 - handsew this together 

Pic 9 - sew with the zip foot. Keep that zip foot in the tape and lifted up with the edge 

Pic 10 - you should have a neatly sewn zip. 

Pic11 - Press open the fabric from the zip and fold in the 2 sides and top in, about  1cm   

Pic 12 - the main fq piece should be split into two along the longest length. It should have interfacing or wadding ironed on the back. 

Place with pins the pocket onto on of the half. Just use a couple of pins

Handsew the pocket to the fq long stitches are fine but when you reach the zip , flip it over and open the zip to keep slider on the front of the pocket. Cut away the extra length of zip. Use smaller hand stitches to keep the zip coils together and continue around the pocket. 

When you reach the zip teeth again, flip the pocket over and cut off the excess zip. 

Sew the pocket down on the machine. I’ve aligned the centre mark of my foot with the edge of the fabric so I’ll get a nice line. I’m also on stitch 3 or 10 on my LS14 machine. 

Sew over the teeth with a back stitch 🙂 that’ll hold them. 

First pocket done ✅ 

Abi x


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