Fabric Clock - Michael Miller's Ninja Gnomes

I purchased a kit to make a clock after purchasing some of the new Ninja Gnomes fabric from the Michael Miller range.

A fantastic 100% Cotton quality, great for clothes and upholstery, so I will be making a couple of pillows to go into my boy's bedroom.

The lit comprises of a ring, double sided tape, PVC sticky back and the clock mechanism. 

Very simply draw a circle around the PVC template and cut. 

Remove the paper backing of the PVC 
And apply the fabric

I smoothed out the fabric centre outwards in circle movements to avoid creases and irregular pattern placement.  A circular piece is prone to stretch in all directions and you want to be careful to avoid that happening. 

Remove the 1cm pre scored strip from the edge of the PVC 

Apply double sided sticky tape to the outer edge of the metal ring and press down as flat against the ring. 

Sit the ring into the PVC and fold over the fabric

Tuck the raw edges under the ring. The sticky tape will keep the excess fabric in place. 

Remove the pre cut hole from the centre of the clock 

Use an awl or a knife to make an opening. You must use a sharp instrument for 2 reasons. You want to avoid pushing the fabric off the sticky PVC and secondly you don't want to pull  threads in your fabric. Argh! Imagine how annoying it'd be to have a line of displaced thread in your fabric weave. 

I would apply Prym's Fray Check here to keep the fabric from getting damaged. 

Remove the brass nut and washer from the clock mechanism and push the mechanism point through the fabric and replace the washer and nut. 

Attach the clock hands and set the time. 


Abi X 


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