Sewing Machine place mat and thread catcher

 sewing classes are getting busy and I need to put mats down to let the kids know where to sit their machines when they arrive.

The ones I've seen ideas for don't have a gripped base, and I need that. I cannot afford a sewing machine to move around when sewing, apart from jagged lines, it's frustrating.

Simply done, I bought a roll of drawer liner from IKEA while buying some of the colourful fabric that I've been using consistently to demonstrate sewing techniques. 

Fortunately, the width of the liner is perfectly sized for my large sewing machine. So I've cut the fabric and a piece of batting to a proportionate size. I've also curved the edges, drawing and cutting around my roll of bias tape.


Stack the 3 (mat with bobbles downward, batting and fabric on top, facing up)
and sew along the edge a contrasting bias binding. 
 The curved corners make it easy for the bias to follow around, you could mitre corners.

At the end, I unfold the bias and tuck the raw edge back, then resold the bias edges inward.


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