Pin cushion - Apple

Make yourself a lovely apple pin cushion. Sew simple, and sew pretty.

First you'll need 5 leaf shapes, cut from any template you may draw out for yourself.

Sew along each long sides, joining the leaves right (pretty)  sides together.

Joining the 3rd piece to 2 that have been sewn together can be tricky. Match the long lengths together and I've started from the seam line at the top, keep going, adding all the pieces together until you finally get your 5th piece joined.  Then you're left with a wide opening, which you should sew at the ends, so your opening to bring the right side out, and to stuff the apple is smaller. 

The apple at the top and the bottom should look like this when you flip it the right side out.

The next image looks a little explosive, but I'm actually stuffing my apple.  Now you can be clever here and make a teeny bag filled with gritted sand so when you insert pins and needles into your pin cushion, they get a little more sharpened.

Then ladder stitch the opening closed.  You can see the shape of the apple forming below.

 Now to cut out some apple leaves  and a loop of ribbon for the top.  I will embroider on some veins onto the leaves to add effect and use the long embroidery thread to go through the top end of the apple right through the apple to the other end, then back again. This will hold the apple shape. 


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