Sewing Machine Repairs
Last night, I was remotely helping a lady repair her machine, through messages, videos and pictures.
Hopefully, the frustration she's experienced has gone, and it was simply down to the her Brother having tension issues.
I'm not a massive fan of Brother machines, yet I have 2. I do enjoy using them, but I am one of the lucky few who understands machinery, and I can deal with anything thrown at me by these sensitive types.
Brother Sewing Machine Tension Issues
I had the machine only 2 weeks before the tension kept getting messed up and the machine was jamming constantly. Generally, this isn't a big problem, but I couldn't identify the problem. I don't know if you know, machines nowadays hide the tension discs, so it wasn't something I thought would be a problem, even having opened the machine to see.
I had to call in the big wigs. I met a fantastic engineer at brother who explained that over 90% of the problems occurring with their machines and are brought in for service are down to user error.
If you don't thread your machine properly, use good quality thread and follow the simple do's and don'ts when using the machine, you will find your machine will fail to do what you want it to.
Over the last 18 months, fluff in the tension discs is a common problem that flags up in forums.

but a little slower maybe...
good luck x
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